Friday, July 20, 2012


USED A FEW TIMES ONLY, SHOP PRICE IS OVER 350 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ballistic / Bulletproof and Stab Proof Vest properties The unique properties of the Fortis Armoured Vest provide resistance to ballistic / bullet proof, bomb-blast fragments, glass fragments, knife and needle attack; all in a single vest. Bulletproof, bomb-blast fragments, glass fragments, knife and spike resistant in one single fabric. Lightest-weight all-in-one-soft armour in the world. Area of full protection extends over whole armour, edge to edge.Keeps its full armour properties when wet. Can be upgraded (with rifle plates) to protect from rifle and high power rifle threats. Protection against multiple/automatic fire from sub-machine guns. Ballistic and Stab Vest suitability Ideal for persons under possible threat of attack and physical violence such as: Security staff Military personnel Customs and immigration officers Police and law enforcement officers Surveillance and intelligence officers Close protection officers Anyone who may be under threat from Gun of Knife attack


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